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Chapter 1435 Time Well Spent(Erotica):>>Ep6

  • She raised one of those stunning eyebrows as though to indicate I had asked a question like; what color is Tuesday?" "My husband hasn't set foot in my studio for over ten years; besides he is at his golf club." She added in a rather cold voice, "I would appreciate if you don't mention him again." She said studio, I thought boudoir.
  • Her face pinched into a quizzical expression. "Before we begin, I have a question. Do you usually come in such volumes? I had to change my panties twice after you left." It was my turn to smirk. I had always been rather prolific in the ejaculate department. "I'm not complaining," she continued. "In fact, I quite relished it, having you seep out of me for a prolonged period of time, but it was certainly something of a revelation."
  • I was emboldened. "Maybe you need a top up," I salaciously suggested.
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